House Cleaning in Billericay

A house cleaning specialist's responsibilities will change depending on the specific requirements of the home or client, but as a standard, they perform a wide range of challenging jobs to ensure the house is spotless and well-maintained. Let's dive in to some of the tasks a house cleaner might be able to help you with.

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House Cleaning in Billericay
Removing Dust

House cleaners in Billericay will dust all areas, including but not limited to furniture, shelves, windowsills, picture frames, and fittings. They’ll also take care of harder-to-reach areas like coving and high ledges to prevent dust building up.


A thorough hoovering of carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture is often part of the job. They may also hoover hardwood or tiled flooring before running a mop over them, as it helps remove dirt and debris.

House Cleaning in Billericay
Mopping Floors

In areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and hallways, cleaners will mop hard spaces to ensure they’re clean and free from sticky spots or stains. Different cleaning solutions may be called upon depending on the floor type.

Cleaning Bathrooms

Bathrooms demand particular attention to detail. A cleaner often scrubs toilets, sinks, showers, and bathtubs, taking care of soap scum, mould, and grime. Cleaners will also wipe mirrors, wipe down countertops, and polish taps for a sparkling finish.

Cleaning Kitchens

Cleaners in Billericay will be masters when it comes to the kitchen. Cleaners often wipe down counters, clean hobs, sinks, and backsplashes, and tackle stains or spillages. House cleaners may also clean inside units like microwaves or wipe down the outside of fridges and ovens. Occasionally, clients may request thorough clean of appliances, e.g. cleaning the oven or defrosting the freezer.

Cleaning The Dishes

While not a typical request of most house cleaners, they may help load or unload the dishwasher if requested, especially when the kitchen cleaning is inclusive of the service.

Domestic Cleaners in Billericay
Surface Disinfection

House cleaners will disinfect countertops and surfaces, especially in places that have high amounts of interaction, like door handles, light switches, and remote controls. House cleaners often sanitise these surfaces to kill germs and ensure a hygienic environment.

Cleaning Clothes

Some domestic cleaners provide laundry solutions, which may include washing, drying, folding, and sometimes ironing clothing. They will sometimes change bed linens and make the beds. If these services are something you need, be sure to mention it in the quote request.

Organising & Tidying Rooms

A domestic cleaning specialist may help tidy up messy areas, such as putting away items left around the house, straightening furniture, or organising drawers and cupboards (if this is agreed upon with the client).

Wiping Interior Windows

Typically, house cleaners will clean the inside pane of windows and glass doors to clear any marks, dust, and fingerprints. Exterior window cleaning is usually a specialised service and might not be included unless requested.

Rubbish & Recycling

House cleaners typically handle rubbish bins and recycling containers inside your home, ensuring all the rubbish is taken out and the liners are replaced in each bin.

End-Of-Tenancy Cleaning in Billericay

End of tenancy cleans are thorough cleaning services performed when renters move on from a property. End of tenancy cleans in Billericay ensure the property is returned to the owner in pristine condition, meeting the standards required by landlords or letting agencies for new tenants.

Pet-related Cleaning

If pets also reside at the property, domestic cleaners may tidy up pet hair, renew bedding, and occasionally deal with any accidents. A house cleaner may also clean out litter trays or tidy pet areas.

Additional Requests

Based on the contract or agreement with the client, some domestic cleaners are happy to take on additional tasks beyond their standard duties, such as running small errands, polishing silverware, or cleaning chandeliers (how extravagant). In any occasion, this will typically be talked over beforehand as part of the service contract.

Crucually, a house cleaner’s tasks can range from routine upkeep to detailed deep cleaning, ensuring the home stays tidy, fresh, and inviting.

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House Cleaning
Internal Window Cleaning
Dusting Surfaces
Mop Hard Wood Flooring
Empty Rubbish

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